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Download the .zip file from the link below.  Unzip all files to same folder. That's it !. You can now start the program by clicking it's icon.

Download DualSky Motor Calc v3.24 837 kb


There are no keys in the Windows register. Just delete manually Dualsky_Calc_v324.exe
You can keep the .txt or .mmc ASCII documents (these have the program settings).

User manual:

On the top left one can choose the voltage by either typing it manually or choosing used battery type and the number of cells.

In the middle left you can type the values for the used ESC. Just by typing the ESC amps the program will calculate other values based on estimations for DualSky ESC.

Motor values can be autofilled for DualSky motors. Just choose the correct model from the drop-down menu. If you want to use the calculator for other type of motors, then choose "custom" and type motor values manually.

"more" button will show the detailed information of the chosen DualSky motor and "Picture" button will open the motor picture.

In top right you can choose the used propellor. You can filter the propellor list by opening "preferences" from the top navigation and set filters for propellor brand.  Here you can also set the used units (set to metric on most).

If you check the "peak eff" box, the program will choose the propellor which gives best effiency at full throttle. It's adviced to use a slighty bigger propellor for higher power unless you plan to run the motor at full throttle most of the time.

Now you can see the calculated performace below and graphs in the middle.

Download DualSky Motor Calc v3.09 290 kb (older software without EA motor information)