
Firmware updates

Firmware updates

Here is the list of recent firmwares for our products:


Walkera Aibao, Vitus, X900 and Voyager 4 4G/WiFi.

Walkera Assistant, software tool to upgrade firmware, adjust settings and calibrate model

For 64bit Windows (32mb)

For 32bit Windows (32mb)

WalkeraConfig_v1.0.1 (8mb ZIP) PC configuration software for new Walkera models.

Usb Upgrade Tool (11mb ZIP) Firmware update for new Walkera models

Aibao 1.0.5 firmare. Softer GPS modes.


Walkera QR X350 Premium

Download 1.0 firmware here


Walkera Scout X4, 1.1 firmware and ground station 1.05

Download here the 1.1 firmware update for Scout X4.  Package contains update tool.

Here is the update for Ground station Android app 1.05 version. This is required for the later models of the bluetooth module.


Devo F12E 1.5 firmware

This is either a updade for older radios or a "downgrade" for 1.6 firmware, which has condensed menus. If you need more switch assigments and features for regular helicopters and airplanes, you can use this firmware. After update you must make sure the switch assignments are correct for Walkera multicopters. Download here 1.5 firmware for Devo F12E radio.


Walkera QR-X350 PRO, 1.7 firmware update

Walkera qr-x350 software firmware 1.7. Now possible to control the multicopter while in RTL mode. Improvements to motor control and GPS. Download 1.7 firmware here


Walkera Tali H500, 2.2 firmware

Download update here. Install the update software and drivers from the package and connect your Tali with USB to your PC and start the software. Choose the new firmware from the same folder as the software. After the update you need to re-calibrate the compass and fly the first flight in manual mode.


Walkera update tools

UP02 update tool. You can use this software (and UP02 cable) to update the Walkera models without USB (Devo 7, gimbals etc.)

UP02 software tool (6.7Mb Zip)


Walkera FlyConfig, tools for all APM based Walkera multicopters. You can change the parameters, PID values and calibrate accelometers and update the firmware. Tool will also show the status of your multicopters. APM based multicopters are  QR-X350 Pro/Premium, Scout X4, Tali H500, QR-X800 and X-900 and also Furious 320 GPS model.

Walkera FlyConfig (14Mb zip)


DualSky ESC firmware V3.02

New firmware for DualSky V2 series ESC. Update requires USB Link cable  or Prog card plus

Download update

Optimized DLBM linear brake and easier to set the maximum brake.

optimized performance on high load and 100A ESC with F3A teams adjustments.
